Parent Expectations:
Sideline Ethics
PCSL encourages participation in youth soccer for what it is-youngsters having fun. Coaches, parents and spectators should show only good adult behavior on the sidelines and act as role models for the younger players. Help create a positive soccer atmosphere. Influence your youngster's soccer experience by following these sideline ethics.
Soccer is a fantastic game for fun, exercise, and athletic development. As a matter of fact, soccer provides a means for your young player to acquire athletic skills for other sports as well-skills such as balance, speed, coordination, agility, fitness and other vital components. In this regard, we at PCSL are constantly trying to find ways to improve our communication with you and give material that we hope you find useful for the enjoyment and development of your son or daughter.
The new Prairie Cities Soccer League Parent's Manual has been developed to help you with this. Included in the manual:
At the end of the manual, there is a great article, 10 Ways Parents Can Support Their Child, which includes ideas to help your child grow as an athlete and a person. Please check out the Prairie Cities Soccer League Parent's Manual today!
While at the Eastview Fields...
While at Game Time Gym...
How do you find out if games are cancelled?
Please do not call the PCSL office on rainy, overcast or cold days to inquire about cancellation of league games. We do not cancel merely because it's raining.
Games are played except when the following conditions exist:
Any other severe weather condition the PCSL Board of Directors considers would endanger our players or volunteers.
Announcements of league cancellations will be announced on the through email or TeamSnap (if timing permits) by 7:30am on game days.
Often times, a severe storm will roll in mid-way through the day. For Game time cancellation decisions, as soon as possible, messaging will be sent by your coach. We rely on coaches to help spread the word to their team parents.
**When weather requires additional clothing, it is to be worn under the uniform, including the socks