U5 Program  -  Spring 2018


U5 Registered Players & Families,

Welcome to the Spring 2018 U5 program!

Those registered for the program were sent an email indicating their team number, coach and session schedule.

We are excited to see this age group grow from the fall season and are eager to get started this spring! However, the spring weather is just not cooperating and we have decided to delay the start of the U5 program for one week. We will begin on Friday, April 13. To make up for the delayed start, we will make up the missed night on Wednesday, May 9 from 5:30pm-6:30pm.

To access the U5 schedule go HERE.

Each week, practices & scrimmages will be held at Community Fields, 3808 Ireland Grove Rd from 5:30 – 6:30pm. Please note that this season due to the addition of several new teams, we have the girls at the south end of the complex and the boys at the north end of the complex. As you drive through the gate, there is a large map on the right side which shows you field locations and you can check the complex map out HERE.

When you arrive, head to your field assignment and find your coach. Players should arrive dressed to play soccer (no earrings, watches, etc), have a size 3 soccer ball, water and wearing shin guards. Soccer cleats are recommended as they give the player much better traction, but are not required. Due to the unpredictable spring weather, bring some warm clothes for your player as it can feel much cooler at Community Fields with the wind. Myron King, Director of Coaching for Illinois Fire Juniors, John Lambert, PCSL Board member and other PCSL/Illinois Fire Juniors staff will be present each night. They can help point you to the correct fields and answer questions if needed.

The goal of the program is to introduce players to the game of soccer. Players have been assigned to teams and will train with their team for approximately 30 minutes each night. Coaches are given a session plan & equipment each night to use with their teams. The plan will include games & activities that are tried, tested & fun and that have been designed by our professional staff. For the last 30 minutes, teams will scrimmage another team. The game format played is 3 v 3 with no goal keepers and no score will be kept. At the end of the night, the team will do a cheer before leaving the field. We encourage parents to get involved by creating a parent tunnel so that players can run through at the end of the game. This is something the player really enjoy and you will find they will want to go through the tunnel more than once!

We look forward to seeing you on Friday, April 13 at 5:30pm! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Myron King, Director of Coaching for Illinois Fire Juniors or Pam Bauman, PCSL League Administrator.




What is the U5 Proram?

Prairie Cities Soccer League, in partnership with Illinois Fire Juniors, is pleased to announce our new U5 Program beginning in the Fall 2017/Spring 2018.

PCSL’s new U5 program will provide players, parents and coaches who are new to the game an introduction to soccer in a positive nurturing environment. Illinois Fire Juniors professional staff will oversee the program and help get players, coaches and fans off to a great start in soccer.

  • Separate divisions for boys & girls
  • Friday evenings only
  • Teams will consist of 6-7 players
  • A volunteer parent is needed as Coach for each team
  • Game format 3 v 3, no goalie, size 3 ball
  • Teams will practice for 30 min. then scrimmage another team
  • Uniforms not required

Program Overview
Fall 2017 -Week One – Players, parents and coaches will attend a session where they will meet their teammates & coach, learn about the laws of the game, what they will be practicing over the course of the season and how a scrimmage works. Parents will have a chance to work with their child, one on one, on some simple soccer skills. The session will be led by Fire staff.

Spring 2018 - Weeks One to Six – Players will train and play with their teams. Coach will run sessions. Illinois Fire staff member will be on site to help coaches and players. Practice plans and step-by-step instructions on what to do will be provided by the Fire staff. Each team coach will be supplied with cones and pinnies to run their sessions.

$50 (Full year, Fall & Spring)
$30 (Fall or Spring only)

Friday evenings 5:30pm – 6:30pm
6 sessions in Fall, 6 sessions in Spring

Spring Session Dates:  April 13, 20, 27, May 4, 9, 11 *updated 4/3/18

Community Fields, 3808 Ireland Grove Rd

Boys & Girls who fall within the U5 age division birth date range: 8/1/12 to 9/1/13