U5 Program   -   Fall 2018/Spring 2019

We are currently taking registrations for the Spring Only 2019 Wait List for the U5 Program.

For Boys & Girls who fall within the U5 age division birth date range: 8/1/13 to 9/1/14

Prairie Cities Soccer League, in partnership with Illinois Fire Juniors, is offering a U5 Program again this Fall 2018/Spring 2019 season.  PCSL’s U5 program will provide players, parents and coaches who are new to the game an introduction to soccer in a positive nurturing environment. Illinois Fire Juniors professional staff will oversee the program and help get players, coaches and fans off to a great start in soccer.

  • Separate divisions for boys & girls
  • Friday evenings & 1 Saturday (PCSL 40th celebration)
  • Spring dates: April 5, 12, 26, May 4, 10, 17
  • Teams will consist of 6-7 players
  • A volunteer parent is needed as Coach for each team
  • Game format 3 v 3, no goalie, size 3 ball
  • Teams will practice for 30 min. then scrimmage another team
  • Uniforms not required

Program Overview
Week One – Players, parents and coaches will attend a session where they will meet their teammates & coach, learn about the laws of the game, what they will be practicing over the course of the season and how a scrimmage works. Parents will have a chance to work with their child, one on one, on some simple soccer skills. The session will be led by Fire staff.

Week Two to Six – Players will train and play with their teams. Coach will run sessions. Illinois Fire staff member will be on site to help coaches and players. Practice plans and step-by-step instructions on what to do will be provided by the Fire staff. Each team coach will be supplied with cones and pinnies to run their sessions.

Cost:                                                                                When:                                                                  Where:  Community Fields, 3808 Ireland Grove Rd, Blm
$50 (Full year, Fall & Spring)                                          Friday evenings 5:30pm-6:30pm, + 1 Sat. in Spring
$30 (Fall or Spring only)                                                 6 sessions in Fall, 6 sessions in Spring

Register Below - Spring Only 2019

Registering for the Spring Only Wait List indicates that the player would like to be placed on a team only for the Spring Season. Placing a player on the Spring Only Wait List, does not guarantee that there will be a space for your player on a team or that the team assignment will be in your location. Spring Only placement is done on a first-come, first-serve basis and is dependent on openings that become available on current teams. The office will contact players regarding team availability & placement prior to the spring season. If your player is placed on a team, you will be provided with instructions and a link to complete the Spring Only 2019 registration . The fee for Spring Only is $30/player.

Know your location code before you begin! > Location Map

Important Registration Info:


Use the registration links below ONLY if your player's birthdate falls within the U5 age division:
